Coronavirus Updates: See latest COVID-19 news from Enderun Extension


What Hiring Managers are Looking for in Project Managers
It’s no secret that the field of project management can be fiercely competitive. After all, everyone wants to be the one to manage the next big successful project for big-name companies. As such, it’s important for aspiring project managers to find ways to stand out and present themselves as “the one” during the hiring process. […]
5 Quick Tips for Advancing Career Growth
Career advancement tends to come in different forms. For some it could mean as simple as being tasked to handle a project with increased responsibility. For others, career advancement only presents itself in the form of a promotion. While advancement can manifest in different ways, the steps to achieving it have a tendency to be […]
Tips for Transitioning from a Career in Graphic Design to UX Design
User Experience Design, or UX Design, is a collaborative and empathetic design discipline that aims to improve the usability of digital products. The end goal is to ensure that these digital products and the overall experience of the users of these products is accessible and inclusive. UX designers are often tasked to observe the entire […]
How Project Management Certification May Help Compensate For Lack Of Experience
Learning Project Management Project managers are the experts or professionals in handling an entire project of a company or business. They are responsible for taking care of the ins and outs of projects, including the team members. Project management involves excellent skills, knowledge, and usage of different tools like project trackers to successfully meet the […]
Event Management Tips: How to Recruit the Right Volunteers for Your Next Event
Volunteers are among the most important assets when it comes to organizing events. This is especially true for professional event management agencies that often work with NGOs, charities, non-profits, and the like. Despite the importance of having a good number of volunteers for your event, this doesn’t mean you should play it by the numbers. […]
5 Tips To Attract Millennial Customers To Your E-Commerce Website
Millennials are one of the most important demographics that businesses with an e-commerce presence should be targeting. After all, millennials are now at an age where they possess high purchasing power and the demographic continues to drive a lot of the big trends in recent memory. The fact that they are also the first generation […]
How to Grow Your Home-Based Business Through Social Media Marketing
Online selling has grown leaps and bounds in recent months due to the various community quarantines set in place by the Philippine government. This was mostly spurred on by the growing number of home-based businesses that sprouted in the early months of the ECQ. While some people are happy with being able to sell to […]
Learning, via Online, the Ducasse-way
Enderun Colleges, in partnership with its global culinary partner École Ducasse from France, has launched the École Ducasse Online Culinary eXperience by Enderun. École Ducasse specializes in culinary and pastry arts education with lessons passed down from the legend himself, chef Alain Ducasse. Read the feature article on
Enderun Offers Online Culinary Courses for Home Cooks
Enderun Colleges has launched the Ecole Ducasse Online Culinary eXperience by Enderun, interactive online classes for the home-bound foodie wishing to learn new skills and recipes this pandemic. Read the feature article on ABS-CBN News.
Food Safety Tips Every Home-Based Food Business Should be Practicing
Over the course of the various community quarantines, many people turned to starting micro businesses from home. In fact, your social media feed may still be teeming with posts from family and friends who are selling everything from ready-to-eat meals to frozen snacks. Of course, starting a home-based food business is relatively easy. Making sure […]
Why is Gluten Such an Enemy in the Food World Today?
In partnership with École Ducasse, Enderun Extension is launching a new course offering which provides you with the opportunity to take culinary or pastry classes through Enderun Extension’s unique virtual platform. Read the feature article on Philippine Daily Inquirer via PressReader.
Enderun Colleges brings its cooking school online
Enderun Colleges, in partnership with its global culinary partner École Ducasse from France, brings the cooking school to homes with a series of culinary instructional videos in a program called École Ducasse Online Culinary eXperience by Enderun. Read the feature article on BusinessWorld.
Glaring Signs Your Company’s Cybersecurity is in Need of an Upgrade
Given how the majority of business processes have gone from analog to digital, cybersecurity should be a constant concern for businesses of all sizes. After all, the consequences of a cyber breach far extends past the financial, which can be seen in case studies of Marriott International and eBay. Unfortunately, some companies may not keep […]
Learn How To Make Pork Buns, Focaccia, And More With These Online Cooking Classes
The École Ducasse Online Culinary eXperience by Enderun launched its online cooking classes which will start this October. The short courses focus on teaching you the skills and then developing those skills in the recipes you will make so whether you want to learn to cook or bake, there’s a course for you. Read the feature article on
3 Steps You Should Take If You Want to Level Up Your Culinary Skills
Over the course of the various community quarantines, many people have decided to try out new hobbies and/or learn new skills. Cooking was one of the most common choices people decided on. If you’ve taken a liking to cooking, it’s only natural to want to try and improve yourself as a home chef. Practice makes […]