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Academic English

Academic English (Advanced) is designed to improve student’s ability to study effectively in English in preparation for an undergraduate or postgraduate program. A more structured and academic teaching approach is used to build students’ reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. The course engages and motivates students through new and updated, contemporary, authentic topics.

Business English

This business course places great emphasis on listening and speaking. It addresses the learner’s everyday language needs in business situations. This course exposes the student to a wealth of authentic business settings, meaningful communication activities and ample opportunities to apply their knowledge in business vocabulary. Topics include writing emails, business media, crossing cultures, presentations and finance.

General English

It also prepares students to use English in a wide variety of academic and social contexts by encouraging them to speak and write about past and contemporary issues, discuss their thoughts and feelings in group discussions and most importantly apply the concepts they have acquired in their speech lessons through dynamic activities. Lastly, the participants will be asked to read about current events and listen for details and main ideas using authentic materials.