Coronavirus Updates: See latest COVID-19 news from Enderun Extension

best event organizers know that trends play a large role in event design and management. After all, whatever is “in” at a particular time can influence design elements, on-site activities, event marketing, and the like.

Unfortunately, recent events will create significant changes in the way event planning and management will operate, quite possibly for years to come. Given this, these two “trends” will likely define the rest of 2020 and the next few years:

Social Distancing Will Change How We Plan Events

Let’s address the elephant in the room: social distancing will definitely still be practiced well after quarantines are lifted around the world. Given this, event planning and management professionals will need to find creative ways to continue planning events for their clients. Many experts see a spike in virtual conferences and the like in the coming months. VR and AR are also generating interest as technologies that can help make virtual conferences more engaging and experiential. Given these, event companies may want to look into investing in infrastructure and equipment that will help them offer this kind of event to their clients.

Personalization Seeps Into the World of Event Management

In the last decade, personalization became a hot topic for many marketing agencies and departments. Today, however, personalization is going beyond marketing and entering the world of event management. In short, organizers must find the right balance between personalizing their services in the best interest of their clients and event guests. For clients, there will be the challenge of personalizing events to fit their new initiatives and the restrictions brought about by COVID-19. For guests, planners must create a “personalized, purpose-driven experience”. This can be challenging, but it is possible with some creative thinking and careful planning.

Many event organizers (and people in most industries, really) were caught off-guard by the effects of COVID-19. Although the situation has caused uncertainty, the most adept organizers understand that now is the best time to be creative and foster thinking outside the box. Likewise, now is a great time for event planners to enroll in a professional events management program to help better prepare them to adjust to the “new normal”.