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Are you interested in taking a data analytics course, but are worried about the variety of the job opportunities available to you? One of the big misconceptions about data analytics is that it is a field that only benefits I.T. and technology companies. It may have started out that way, but data analytics training has now become a norm across various industries. One great example is the healthcare industry.

Many countries have adopted their healthcare infrastructure to make use of data analytics. In fact, data science as a whole has made significant improvements to the way healthcare institutions and agencies operate. Here are a few examples:

Patient Care

Data science has made it significantly easier for doctors to access the medical records and histories of their patients. This has been incredibly valuable in a world where travel from one’s country of residence to other countries is incredibly common.

Data analytics has also introduced various models that aid doctors in accessing real-time data to support evidence-based decisions. As a result, patient safety and quality of care has improved in countries around the world.

Risk Prediction

Treating patients with chronic conditions has long been one of the largest costs for the healthcare industry. Data models have been made to help doctors more predict which patients have a higher risk of developing complications, allowing practitioners to arrange early intervention. This is especially efficient at helping doctors whose patients have several chronic illnesses.

Practitioner Performance

The best doctors are the ones who are always looking to improve their knowledge and how they treat patients. Data analytics can help provide doctors with a large sample size of data, allowing them to analyze how their decisions affect the outcome of a former patient’s treatment. This helps doctors see where there is room for improvement, what they could have done differently. Similarly, hospital management can track the performance of their doctors in an effort to make their operations more streamlined and efficient.

As you can see, data science professionals have been able to work wonders for the healthcare industry–and so can you! If you are interested in taking up data analytics for beginners, try looking for a Microsoft Certification course like The Study’s Data Analytics: Foundational Course program. Not only do these kinds of courses help ease you into the world of data science, but it also helps you earn a globally recognized certification from Microsoft, allowing you to find job opportunities abroad.